Oak Barn Brewery makes some of the Best Beer in the World.   We have converted many Miller Lite Drinkers from the dark side to real Beer.

I was in the UK in the 1970s when CAMRA was just formed and found that I had a taste foir the Real Beer.

My buddy Mike suggested we brew our own beer in 2008.   I was a little sceptical but went along.  We visited our LHBS (Local Home Brew Store), Homebrew Headquarters in Richardson, Texas and decided to make a Best Bitter Clone.

We brewed from extract kit outside my barn on a cold day.   We chilled the WORT in a Cowboy Bathtub filled with ice water.  We dunked the whole brew Kettle.  We transfered the WORT to a 6 gal carboy and added some dry yeast (along with the kit yeast).

We decided to keg from the start.   We had our first taste about a month after the first brew session.